Cloud-based analytics platform leveraging real-time flight data and weather products to support Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) value-added metrics
Web-based apps providing integrated visualization of flight data and value-added metrics synchronized with weather displays
Real-time Integrated System Evaluation (RISE)
- Public access without API key
- 15-minute updates of tactical deviations at major airports derived from our value-added metrics
- Current Traffic Management Initiatives (TMIs), weather, and airport configuration
- Contact us for access to data and metrics for the full set of NAS airports
API key required
NAS Daily Report

NAS Daily Report
- NAS operations, TMIs, cancellations, tactical deviations
- Drill down to airport details, GDP rates, slots, delivery, diversions, circular holding
- Directional weather coverage metric
- Airport configuration, wind, ceiling, visibility

Integrated display of TFMS, TBFM, and STARS performance
- Synchronized trajectory animation
- Convective weather and winds aloft
- Adaptation display
- Geospatial filtering and analytics
Configuration & METAR

Current airport configuration and runway settings paired with
weather observations
- Real-time and historical configuration settings for multiple airports
- METAR wind, temperature, ceiling, visibility, and aviation conditions: VFR, MVFR, IFR, LIFR
Airport Flow

Multi-week trends of airport configuration and arrival rates
- Total time and portion of time spent in each TBFM configuration
- Hourly arrival counts plus max, 90th, 75th, 50th, 25th, and 10th percentiles
- Dynamically filter to time periods of specific configurations and arrival count thresholds
Track Analysis

Circular holding, missed approach, diversion, and cancellation detection
- Search by airline, time range, and destination
- Results grouped by destination
- Export flight lists to CSV

Arrival counts in 15, 30, or 60-minute bins
- Search by time range and list of airports
- Arrival counts grouped by TBFM status and runway
- Drill down to flight list
City Pair

Great circle distance and bearing
- Search by origin or destination airport
- Flights aggregated by distance, bearing, and weight class

Airline-specific TBFM departure and airborne delays
- Portion of flights incurring delay
- Breakdown of delays by destination
- Demand bar graph showing delay per time bin
- Drill down to flight list
TMI Database

Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Advisory Database
- Real-time search of TMI advisories
- Search by control element and time range
- Includes impacting condition, program rate, average and max delay, and comments
- Map-based display of TMIs
Weather Viewer

Real-time and 30-day weather trends
- MRMS radar reflectivity
- NAM winds aloft at multiple altitudes
- Timeseries plots of reflectivity and wind severity metrics

Parameterized bundling of flown trajectories into
- Statistical analysis performed via web serivce
- Map-based and tabular displays of track bundles
- Application in filed-vs. flown analysis and for improving trajectory prediction

Evaluate route options based on winds aloft
- Compute wind miles using real-time or historical winds aloft data
- Evaluate the latest flight plan from SWIM or all CDRs as a baseline
- Perform network optimization to identify the wind optimal route for comparison with baseline
Fix Conformance

Fix Conformance
- Compare planned vs. actual crossing times at meter fix arcs
- Analyze lateral, vertical, and speed conformance statistics
- Multi-day conformance trends
- Drill down to flight specific details
- Linked to map-based Dashboard view

CavanReports data ingest status
- SWIM TFMS, TBFM, and STARS latency checks and parsing statistics
- TFMS-STARS spatiotemporal track matching status
- Latency for 38 monitored STARS sites
- Weather product status
- NFDC and adaptation status
Over 60 web services for querying data and computing metrics. These web services are consumed by CavanReports web apps and are accessible directly for technical users.
CavanReports integrates real-time data from multiple operational sources

- 150 million messages processed daily
- Real-time flight matching across SWIM feeds
- TBFM stream class, configuration, ETA, STA
- Surveillance, flight plans, time messages
Weather Products

- Winds aloft at 20 altitudes
- Convective weather
- METAR reports for over 5,000 sites
- Conversion to GeoJSON format
Adaptation Data

- 28-Day NASR Subscriptions
- TBFM adaptations
- Sectors, airports, runways and more
- Conversion to GeoJSON format
Value-added metrics and data products computed in real time
Flight Metrics

- Meter reference point crossing conformance
- Trajectory performance metrics
- Miles-In-Trail, Minutes-In-Trail, actual runway
Weather Metrics

- Airspeed based on winds aloft
- Headwind and tailwind
- Wind miles